
Kayonza,Murundi, Buhabwa

(+250) 788437825

Effects of Location, Genotype and Ratooning on Chemical Composition of Sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam]

Dual-purpose sweetpotato is gaining recognition as a food and fodder crop. The quality of the vines depends on several factors including genotype and environment. Cutting vines before root harvest can increase yields and fodder quality of vines. But, the effect on root quality has not been sufficiently investigated. This study was conducted to determine the effects of agro-ecology (n = 3), genotype (n = 7) and vines cuts (n = 3) on chemical composition and Metabolizable (ME) energy concentrations in vines and on farmers' preference of the roots.

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Evaluation of Dual Purpose Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam] Cultivars for Root and Fodder Production in Eastern Province, Rwanda

Sweet potato is an ideal crop for densely populated areas because it enables farmers to produce food and fodder concurrently on the same piece of land. But, the use of the technology in sub-Saharan Africa is sporadic because dual purpose sweet potato varieties and knowledge of vine harvesting without compromising root yields are rare..

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Training, Mentorship And Coaching

Training and coaching of farm managers on Farm Management, Innovations and technologies such as Hay, silage bag, leaf meal, crop residues treatment, maggots farming and feeds formulation software handling Using LFFS approach, technology transfer extension model, business plan, records keeping, animal feeds and feeding; health, breeding , production , products Value addition and post harvest technologies..

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